Copyright 2025 FARM PRICE HOLDINGS BERHAD [202301019404 (1513326-T)]

Yap Koon Roy

Independent Non-Executive Director
Yap Koon Roy, Malaysian, aged 62 is our Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairperson of the Remuneration Committee. He was appointed to our Board on 1 July 2023.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Laws Honours from University of Malaya, Malaysia in 1986 and was called to the Malaysian Bar in 1987. He also obtained an Associate Qualification in Islamic Finance from the Islamic Banking & Finance Institute of Malaysia in 2015.
His career started in 1987 when he joined the legal firm Messrs. Nordin & Phua. He was made partner of the firm in 1991. He then left the firm in 1997 to set up his own practice, Messrs. Yap Koon Roy & Associates in the same year. He has more than 36 years of experience in legal practice, mainly advising on commercial, estate, property and banking matters.
He has served as the Independent Non-Executive Director of Hock Heng Stone Industries Berhad (presently known as DFCITY Group Berhad), a public listed company whose subsidiaries at the time were primarily involved in the manufacturing, selling, processing and trading of dimension stones, renovation works for homes and offices and other related services, from 2009 to 2022. He has also served as an Independent Non-Executive Director of Perfect Food Industries Berhad (presently known as MK Land Holdings Berhad), a public listed company whose subsidiaries at the time were primarily involved in property development, property investment, and as an operator of hotels and golf and country clubs, from 1994 to 1999 and Golsta Synergy Berhad (presently known as HCK Capital Group Berhad), a public listed company whose subsidiaries at the time were primarily involved in the design, fabrication and installation of industrial plants, engineering consultancy, project management and advisory services, rubber processing and trading of rubber-related products, from 1999 to 2004. He has been the Independent Non-Executive Chairman of ACO Group Berhad, a public listed company whose subsidiaries are primarily involved in the distribution of electrical products and accessories as well as management consultancy services, since August 2019, a position he still holds to date.
As at the LPD, he is currently practicing as an advocate and solicitor of the High Court of Malaya, and is also the Managing Partner of his legal practice, Messrs. Yap Koon Roy & Associates.
Copyright 2025 FARM PRICE HOLDINGS BERHAD [202301019404 (1513326-T)]
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